Communication Arts Magazine provides articles and competitions that inspire and inform graphic designers, art directors, interactive designers, illustrators, photographers, and more. CA Magazine is looking to create a historical heirloom edition magazine that pays homage to the International Style, also known as Swiss Style design, and its impact on design today. The article about Rosmarie Tissi will be designed individually; incorporating aspects of her work like vivid colors and funky layouts will allow the spreads to accurately represent her design career. 
The cover, designed as a group, dynamically showcases the design style that this issue will be focusing on by incorporating negative space and a bold red, a prominent color of Swiss Style. The graphic elements and compositions of the Rosmarie Tissi article chronologically reflect her work throughout her career. Using her work as a model allowed the design of the pages to visually reflect the article explaining her career and legacy. The first page of the article is modeled after a poster Tissi designed in 1957. It is simple, clean, and gridded — typical characteristics of Swiss Style design. However, the final page’s design is modeled after Tissi’s design from 2009 which incorporated funky composition, innovative colors, and the individual flair that left a lasting impact on graphic design today.
CLIENT Student Project
SKILLS Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Typography, Copywriting​​​​​​​